Deep thoughts

It has been a long season since I have spoken here. I have been through many changes and seen much growth. For the last year I have been heavily involved with website design. Please check out my thoughts on my new blog.

Troubled Waters

New songs


Salvation Song

All is Illusion Intro

Whisper in the moonlight

The New Kings Band

Harper Ragains on bass and Sol Cardona on guitar in “The New Kings Band”

The New Kings Band

President Ragains

President Harper Croix Ragains!


Chairman SOL

Chairman SOL


What is the BIG IDEA?

The world is changing rapidly.  Economies are shuddering, the environment is failing, religion is corrupt, and our personal relationships are being altered drastically.  Old business models are being thrown out the window, and the new business models have yet to be created.  Welcome to the world of the free information, where everyone is broke, and at the top sits The Great Password Holder.
Companies that create actual products (cars, clothes, computers) are watching their livelihoods go goodbye, while companies that create no physical object (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace) are suddenly being valued in the billions.  And with the former Bush and current Obama  administrations throwing piles of money at the problematic economy as the great companies fall, no one is sure thatFacebook or Twitter will be there to save us.
So for someone my age (27) who is alive now and wants to see a Great Future, there is only one question: Whats The Big Idea?  What is the Great Plan and New Deal for our generation?  No one would disagree that today’s technology is amazing and full of potential.  The scientists who are on the cutting edge foresee a time when humans will wield God-like power through our technology.  But where is the plan to use this technology to heal both out ecology and our economy?  The beauty of the Internet is that is allows billions of people to collaborate together.  Science has shown us again and again that out of chaos emerges order.  Out of the chaos of our current condition will emerge a form of order.  But what kind of order?  That is up to us.  As of now all we face is pure potential.  The potential that time will pass and we will find ourselves in tomorrow and beyond.  It is up to us to create that Great Future ourselves, one day at a time.
My big idea is that music, art, and doing what is truly in your heart and conscious are core and vital to saving our planet and culture.  Music and art are what set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.  Other animals have amazing biology, other animals mate and eat and sleep and shit.  But humans can truly get funky, we can take concepts as grand as love and God and combining them with the minutia come up with lines like “The love of God makes me feel like an ant on a beautiful rose”  Music and art are the point at which humanity steps away from the primal and moves toward the divine.  But there is so much more to create.  And now we are creating the tools with which we shall paint the heavens and play the Universe like a cello.  Out of the current madness and chaos of our world, order will finally emerge.  Will the order be machine-like or free-flowing?  Will the order be Utopian orDystopian?
Question of the day:  What is your Big Idea

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Thanks Phil.

Announcing the birth of Carlos Gabriel Cardona II

Natalie and my son was born on Dec. 18th in Santa Cruz, California.  He was 20” and 7.5 pounds.  His name is Carlos Gabriel Edwards-Cardona II.  “Sol”, our little sun.

Sol Cardona

You can check out the story of his life @

White Solar Wind

I Pulse in order to Communicate
Realizing Breath
I seal the Input of Spirit
With the Solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Endlessness
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


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